What To Expect

What to expect at your chiropractic appointment

Chiropractic Treatments aim to treat the cause of your pain, by careful analysis of your body.


On your first visit, you can expect to be in the office for approximately 30 - 45 minutes. During your consultation, one of our friendly and skilled chiropractors, Dr. Jessica Seebauer or Dr.Nicola Kilbee, will conduct full chiropractic, orthopedic, and neurological examinations to fully assess your condition and to determine whether chiropractic care can benefit you.

Your chiropractor will advise if any further tests or images such as x-rays are required prior to commencing care. If you have any previous imaging or test results, please bring them to your consultation.


On your second visit, you can expect to be in the office for approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Your chiropractor will review your history, examination, and x-ray (if taken) findings with you in detail, and will discuss their recommendations for care or referral. All adjustments and procedures will be fully explained prior to obtaining your consent to commence care.


Please allow up to 15 minutes. Your Chiropractor will assess your spine and progress. We recommend regular Chiropractic Care, even when you are feeling fit and well.

This is to help prevent future injuries or pain, by keeping your body well-adjusted. Your Chiropractor will also speak to you about regular exercise and ergonomic changes to help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Your Chiropractic Treatments are covered by most Australian health insurance providers, including Medibank, HBF, NIB, and more.

Contact us to schedule a consultation.


Gentle and non-invasive

A Chiropractic visit may incorporate the use of a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches which are gentle and non-invasive, designed to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference.

Quick appointments

You should allow 15 minutes for these visits as well as time for a short walk after each adjustment to help reinforce and strengthen your spine.

Pain & Drug Free

Adjustments can be done by hand, using hand-held instruments or with special adjusting tables. This range of techniques will allow the use of a variation of gentle to firm pain-free adjustments, which are matched to your needs.